
The Punching Nun Group Blog

Is AI-Generated Content Hurting Companies?

“Content is king” is not just an outdated adage embraced by aging marketing professionals. In reality, content still drives everything, especially engagement—that vital element necessary for creating meaningful, lasting relationships—and more importantly sales. However, with so many companies vying for an increasingly shortened attention span in a marketplace crowded with content, it has become challenging for organizations, especially new entrants,  to break through the noise and reach their target audience. It has also become difficult to find talented writers to generate enough relevant content to stay top of mind. Because of this, many companies have turned to AI (artificial intelligence). After all, it’s free, and it’s fast. But could AI-generated content be doing more harm than good? AI’s Downfalls Before relying too heavily on AI-generated content, companies, especially those targeting the hard-to-engage C-Suite, should be aware of the many downfalls. Companies that use AI-generated content are putting themselves at risk

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The Marketing Personality

Working in healthcare for the past 25 years has been interesting psychologically. When working with clinical people, I’ve marveled at how neatly they tend to

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The Blockbuster Effect

The Blockbuster Effect defined: when we trust that what is working now will always work. Everyone remembers those stores that rented thousands of movies housed in

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Heading Into 2023

Like most Americans, I wanted 2022 to end.

The chaos, threats of war, an economy in freefall, distrust of the institutions we once held dear and the schism between right and left have resulted in heightened anxiety in every quarter of our country. One thing we all seem to agree on is that a feeling of heaviness permeates every interaction, and the very soul of America.

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Honors Convocation

Although more than 3 decades have passed, my experience at St. Vincent College continues to impact my life in many ways and my prayer is

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The Legacy of George Floyd

I personally condemn all forms of racism, bigotry, hatred, discrimination, and violence—sins against God and humanity. Like so many other Americans, I am sickened by

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Blog Hero: Living a Brand

Living A Brand

Tonight, I sat at a favorite bar in a brand new boutique hotel in downtown Franklin, Tennessee, named after the same river that meanders east,

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New Year’s 2020

After creating so much content for clients, it can be challenging to stop the presses for a moment to develop our content (the cobbler’s children

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Blog Hero: Fake News and the Death of Journalism

The Death of Journalism

Dearly Departed, We are gathered here today to say farewell to journalism—journalism degrees, journalism as a career, any respect for the news in general. Dead,

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Blog Hero: City of Zombies

City of Zombies

I’ve had the opportunity to visit the West Coast twice in the past few months. Typically, travel is business related but these were both pleasure

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Blog Hero: Econ 101

Econ 101

Just about 32 years ago I graduated from Saint Vincent College (SVC) in Latrobe, PA. I’d transferred from William & Mary—much to my father’s chagrin.

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